How Certain Foods Affect Cognition, Seizures, and Cardiometabolic Disease

Food for Thought Food for Thought periodically reports on nutrition research aimed at improving health and well-being. Rebecca Voelker, MSJ JAMA. Published online October 24, 2019. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.16477 The science behind food’s effects on human health is discovering some tasty benefits.Berries and Grapes Linked With Memory Boost As the world’s elderly population races toward an estimated 2 billion by

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Osteoporosis-related fractures could cost Medicaid more than $6 billion in hospital costs

Approximately 2.3 Million Fractures Suffered by 2 Million on Medicare; Proven Preventive Measures Go Largely Unused Source NOF A new report released today by the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) finds that despite the existence of proven preventive measures, approximately 2 million Americans on Medicare suffered 2.3 million osteoporosis-related bone fractures in 2015. These totals mean osteoporotic

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#Snack Tax may be more effective than a #Sugary Drink Tax To Tackle Obesity

Taxing sugary snacks like cookies and cakes may have a substantially larger impact in fighting obesity than levies on sweetened drinks, suggests a new study. Using economic modeling, UK researchers found that increasing sugary snack prices by 20% had an effect on annual calorie intake, body mass index (BMI), and obesity prevalence much greater than that of a

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FDA approves first of its kind device to treat pediatric patients with progressive idiopathic scoliosis

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first spinal tether device intended to be used in children and adolescents to correct the most common form of scoliosis, called idiopathic scoliosis, that has not responded to conservative treatment options, such as external bracing. The device, called The Tether – Vertebral Body Tethering System, is

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Alternate Day Fasting Improves Physiological and Molecular Markers of Aging in Healthy, Non-obese Humans

Alternate-day fasting (ADF) had positive effects on body weight, cardiovascular measures, and molecular markers of aging when assessed in a randomized controlled trial among healthy adults without obesity or diabetes, researchers report in a study published online August 27 in Cell Metabolism. ADF is a different approach to control weight than the common caloric restriction (CR) or intermittent fasting (IF)

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