Developing Treatments for Blindness: Gene Therapy Shown to Restructure Retinas

A new study, carried out on mice, shows great promise for developing treatments that restore vision in blind people. According to researchers, gene therapy is helping the retina to restructure itself, regain normal light responses and, ultimately regain vision in mice.  A paper, published in JNeurosci, outlines the findings and supports the continued development of treatments for

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First step to induce self-repair in the central nervous system

Injured axons instruct Schwann cells to build specialized actin spheres to break down and remove axon fragments, thereby starting the regeneration process Damaged peripheral nerves can regenerate after an injury, for example, following a forearm fracture. Axons, the long projections of neurons that transmit stimuli or signals to other cells, are affected in the case

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Sangamo and Pfizer report data for haemophilia A gene therapy

Sangamo Therapeutics and Pfizer have reported additional findings from the Phase I/II Alta clinical trial of investigational gene therapy SB-525 to treat patients with severe haemophilia A. SB-525 is made up of a recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 6 vector (AAV6) that encodes the complementary deoxyribonucleic acid for B domain deleted human Factor VIII (FVIII). During

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Orgenesis Granted FDA Orphan Drug Designation for Autologous Insulin Producing Cells in the Treatment of Severe Hypoglycemia-Prone Diabetes Resulting from Total Pancreatectomy

Orgenesis, a developer, manufacturer and service provider of advanced cell therapies, announced that the United States Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) has granted Orphan Drug designation for its Autologous Insulin Producing (“AIP”) cells as a cell replacement therapy for the treatment of severe hypoglycemia-prone diabetes resulting from total pancreatectomy (“TP”) due to chronic pancreatitis (“CP”).

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Studies Uncover New Approaches to Combat Hair Loss in Men and Women

Two recent studies highlight novel ways to combat pattern hair loss in men and women using small molecules such as JAK inhibitors that reawaken dormant hair follicles, as well as stem cell therapies aimed at growing new follicles.  In the first study, researchers led by Angela Christiano, PhD, the Richard & Mildred Rhodebeck Professor of Dermatology at

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Mesenchymal Stem Cells Empowering Tendon Regenerative Therapies

Tendon tissues have limited healing capacity. The incidence of tendon injuries and the unsatisfactory functional outcomes of tendon repair are driving the search for alternative therapeutic approaches envisioning tendon regeneration. Cellular therapies aim at delivering adequate, regeneration-competent cell types to the injured tendon and toward ultimately promoting its reconstruction and recovery of functionality. Mesenchymal stem

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Unproven stem cell therapies often peddled by doctors without training

At U.S. clinics advertising unproven stem cell treatments, roughly two-thirds of the clinicians may be physicians, but a new study suggests these doctors are often trained in specialties unrelated to the services they provide. “About half of the companies we examined offer unproven stem cell treatments for conditions (for) which they do not have a

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