This Drug Will Save Children’s Lives. It Costs $2 Million. NYT Editorial board position

Safety, innovation and affordability need not be mutually exclusive goals for cutting-edge treatments. Source NYT Spinal muscular atrophy is a condition often fatal by age 2. Babies with the disorder have a rare genetic mutation that prevents the nervous system from controlling certain muscles. As they grow to be toddlers, these children struggle to move their limbs,

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Profiling the stem-cell characters in the story of stomach lining renewal

Source Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) Using an unbiased labeling technique, mathematical modeling, and single cell profiling to trace the footsteps of stem cells and their daughters, researchers at the University of Cambridge (UK), DGIST (S.Korea), and IMBA (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) have confirmed that two populations of

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New Frontiers of Corneal Gene Therapy

Source Corneal diseases are among the most prevalent causes of blindness worldwide. The transparency and clarity of the cornea are guaranteed by a delicate physiological, anatomic, and functional balance. For this reason, all the disorders, including those of genetic origin, that compromise this state of harmony can lead to opacity and eventually vision loss.

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Relaxing of regulations for regenerative medicines has cascading effect internationally

Countries that relax regulations for regenerative medicines could be causing a downward spiral in international standards, according to new research published today. Researchers warn that if just one country decides to relax regulations in the field, a heightened sense of competition can spur others to do the same. It’s unclear whether this deregulation best serves

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New nanotechnology could aid stem cell transplantation research

Nanotechnology developed at Rutgers University-New Brunswick could boost research on stem cell transplantation, which may help people with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, other neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system injuries. The nanotechnology platform, which uses special tiny rods for sensing, allows researchers to confirm the identity of human stem cell fates and their biomarkers, or

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PTPσ inhibitors promote hematopoietic stem cell regeneration

Receptor type protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma (PTPσ) is primarily expressed by adult neurons and regulates neural regeneration. Researchers at UCLA recently discovered that PTPσ is also expressed by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and describe small molecule inhibitors of PTPσ that promote HSC regeneration in vivo. Systemic administration of the PTPσ inhibitor, DJ001, or its analog, to

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