Cultured tissue from nasal cartilage cells helps with complicated knee injuries

Damage to joint cartilage is painful and limits mobility. Researchers at the University of Basel and the University Hospital of Basel are therefore developing cartilage implants from cells from the nasal septum. A recent study shows that a longer maturation time for the cultured cartilage brings a significant improvement even in cases of complicated cartilage

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A micro-fragmented collagen gel as a stem cell-assembling platform for critical limb ischemia repair

Critical limb ischemia is a condition in which the main blood vessels supplying blood to the legs are blocked, causing blood flow to gradually decrease as atherosclerosis progresses in the peripheral arteries. It is a severe form of peripheral artery disease that causes progressive closure of arteries in the lower extremity, leading to the necrosis

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Study Shows Stem Cell Transplant Significantly Improves Outcomes in Refractory Juvenile Systemic Sclerosis

New research at ACR Convergence 2023, the American College of Rheumatology’s (ACR) annual meeting, shows that patients with refractory juvenile systemic sclerosis improved significantly on nearly all measures for two years following autologous stem cell transplant (Abstract #L06). Juvenile-onset systemic sclerosis (jSSc), also called scleroderma, is a disfiguring autoimmune disorder marked by hardening of the skin

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New study findings call into question the superiority of stem cell therapy for treating knee pain

Characterized by extensive damage to joints and debilitating pain, osteoarthritis (OA) impacts millions of people worldwide and has long posed a substantial clinical and economic burden. In spite of advances in diagnosis, medications, and short-term pain management solutions, the elusive goal of a disease-modifying OA drug has remained out of reach. In recent years though,

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The use of cell therapy to treat COVID-19 patients can reduce the risk of death from the disease by 60%, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, in partnership with colleagues in Germany and the United States.

Brazilian researchers and collaborators in Germany and the US compiled data from 195 clinical trials conducted in 30 countries between January 2020 and December 2021. The findings are promising, although the authors stress the need for enhanced controls in the making of the products used in cell therapy. Their findings are reported in an article

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FDA Approves Cell Therapy for Patients with Blood Cancers to Reduce Risk of Infection Following Stem Cell Transplantation

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Omisirge (omidubicel-onlv), a substantially modified allogeneic (donor) cord blood-based cell therapy to quicken the recovery of neutrophils (a subset of white blood cells) in the body and reduce the risk of infection. The product is intended for use in adults and pediatric patients 12 years and older

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The Texas Heart Institute Delivers a New First in Heart Failure Treatment Using Cell Therapy

New Cell Therapy Offers Potential Treatment Option for Patients With Chronic Heart Failure Physician-scientists at The Texas Heart Institute announced today the results of the largest cell therapy trial to date in patients with chronic heart failure due to low ejection fraction. The therapy benefited patients by improving the heart’s pumping ability, as measured by

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First successful treatment of severe pulmonary hypertension using umbilical cord stem cells

Hannover Medical School doctors successfully treat three-year-old girl / Publication in “Nature Cardiovascular Research“ Clinical researchers at Hannover Medical School (MHH) have succeeded for the first time worldwide in stopping the usually fatal course of the disease in severe pulmonary hypertension thanks to a novel therapeutic approach. A three-year-old girl suffering from so-called pulmonary arterial

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New type of cell therapy can repair damaged heart tissue after infarction

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany and AstraZeneca, among others, have identified a new type of cell therapy with the potential to heal injuries to the heart after a heart attack. The preclinical study, published in the journal Nature Cell Biology, shows that so-called ventricular progenitor cells can stimulate the heart’s

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