Immunotherapy Advances: 2019

The year 2019 has offered up many advances in immunotherapy. These advances shed light on such important aspects as biomarkers, better targeted therapies, chemotherapy outcomes, and resistance. Summarized herein are several high-profile conference presentations that highlight key advances in the field. The year has not quite come to an end yet, but as predicted by

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The results, published in the current issue of Scientific Reports, showcase dramatic improvements in light-activated fluorescent dyes for disease diagnosis, image-guided surgery and site-specific tumor treatment. Scientific breakthroughs don’t always happen in labs. For Sophia and Richard Lunt, Michigan State University researchers, many of their breakthroughs happen during neighborhood walks. The married couple’s step-by-step approach

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Researchers identify possible approach to block medulloblastoma growth

UNC Lineberger’s Timothy Gerson, MD, PhD, and colleagues have identified a potential approach to stop the growth of the most common type of brain tumor in children. Their research was published in the journal Development. UNC Lineberger’s Timothy Gerson, MD, PhD and colleagues reported in the journal Development that by blocking a signal called GSK-3, they could control tumor

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Bloomberg Philanthropies, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and The New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute Announce an Unprecedented Effort to Advance Precision Medicine

Unmatched Scope of Resources Will Identify Distinctive Disease Mechanisms in Small Patient Subgroups, Supporting Development of Custom Therapeutic Approaches Source NYSCF Bloomberg Philanthropies, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM), and The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute today announced an initiative to fundamentally advance and expand the science of precision medicine, in

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Panel Finds Exercise May Lower Cancer Risk, Improve Outcomes

Source NIH Director’s Blog Exercise can work wonders for your health, including strengthening muscles and bones, and boosting metabolism, mood, and memory skills. Now comes word that staying active may also help to lower your odds of developing cancer.  After reviewing the scientific evidence, a panel of experts recently concluded that physical activity is associated with reduced

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