Moffitt Researchers Identify a Mechanism Controlling Tumor Cell Recognition by Immune Cells

Immunotherapy has become a standard treatment approach for several types of cancer, including melanoma. However, tumors can escape immune cell detection even with the use of immunotherapies. In a new study published in Cancer Immunology Research, Moffitt Cancer Center researchers, in collaboration with the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine, describe a cellular mechanism that controls tumor cell

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European Commission Approves Bavencio-Inlyta for First-line Treatment of Advanced Kidney Cancer

The European Commission (EC) has approved a combination regimen of Bavencio (avelumab) injections plus Inlyta (axitinib) tablets for the first-line treatment of adult patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the most common type of kidney cancer. The combination can be used in patients regardless of their predicted prognosis and PD-L1 status. The EC’s decision followed a positive recommendation issued in September by the Committee for Medicinal

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Immunotherapy Advances: 2019

The year 2019 has offered up many advances in immunotherapy. These advances shed light on such important aspects as biomarkers, better targeted therapies, chemotherapy outcomes, and resistance. Summarized herein are several high-profile conference presentations that highlight key advances in the field. The year has not quite come to an end yet, but as predicted by

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Novartis receives FDA approval for Beovu®, offering wet AMD patients vision gains and greater fluid reductions vs aflibercept

In two head-to-head clinical trials, patients on Beovu (brolucizumab) achieved vision gains that were non-inferior to aflibercept at year one with longer treatment intervals in a majority of patients[1],[2]  Beovu demonstrated greater reductions in central subfield thickness (CST, a key indicator of fluid in the retina) as early as week 16 and at one year

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