EU CE marked Google’s Dermatology tool could find skin problems using just the smartphone camera and AI. Results published in Nature Medicine.

Google also announced plans to release a new “AI-powered dermatology assist tool” that helps users understand what’s going on with their skin. Results have been published in Nature Medicine. Google has made a number of announcements at I/O 2021 to showcase the company’s technological advancements. It also announced plans to release a new “AI-powered dermatology assist

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Using 4D Printing To Enable Vascularization, Bone Tissue Regeneration, Spinal Fusion

Spinal fusion is frequently performed to restore spinal stability in patients with spinal diseases, such as spinal stenosis, vertebral fractures, progressive deformities, and instability. In the past two decades, there has been marked increase in the number of people over 65 years in age who have needed spinal fusion surgery. While autogenous bone grafts have

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3D-Bioprinting in precision medicine: regenerative cell therapy and drug testing

Precision medicine is, broadly speaking, a sweeping aspiration that will be achieved, or not, depending on the convergence of many different disciplines. The most important of these disciplines are molecular genetics and cell biology. Besides contributing to precision medicine directly, they also contribute through 3D bioprinting. In 3D bioprinting, molecular genetics and cell biology are

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Artificial intelligence yields new ways to combat the coronavirus

Countering COVID-19 mutations and designing updated vaccines could occur at lightning speeds thanks to a new, USC-developed AI framework. USC researchers have developed a new method to counter emergent mutations of the coronavirus and hasten vaccine development to stop the pathogen responsible for killing thousands of people and ruining the economy. Using artificial intelligence (AI),

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The Future of Organ Transplants: Bioprinting, Stem Cells and More. A paper of

In the United States alone, over 100,000 people are on the organ transplant list. Around 17 of these people will die per day without having received the transplant. It’s clear that organs from human donors will never be adequate for everyone looking for a transplant. Thus, scientists have been researching alternatives, such as using organs made from repurposed stem

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A direct drive parallel plane piezoelectric needle positioning robot for MRI guided intraspinal injection

Lower back pain caused by degenerative disc disorder affects approximately 40% of the population over 40 and though many of us may never experience adverse effects from the disorder, it is the cause of chronic back pain for numerous Americans. Recent imaging diagnostics and cellular based direct-injection therapeutics for degenerative disc and spinal cord injuries

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Early results from DETECT study suggest fitness trackers and smartwatches can predict COVID-19 infection

Sensor data from wearable devices can complement virus testing and conventional screening to signal new infections. Examining data from the first six weeks of their landmark DETECT study, a team of scientists from the Scripps Research Translational Institute sees encouraging signs that wearable fitness devices can improve public health efforts to control COVID-19. The DETECT study, launched

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