ChatGPT breakthrough in Healthcare

Over the past decade, I’ve kept a close eye on the emergence of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Throughout, one truth remained constant: Despite all the hype, AI-focused startups and established tech companies alike have failed to move the needle on the nation’s overall health and medical costs. Finally, after a decade of underperformance in AI-driven medicine, success is approaching faster

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3D-bioprinted human tissues and the path toward clinical translation

Three-dimensional bioprinting is an emerging technology that has the potential to build human tissue, on demand, to treat a wide range of human diseases. However, bridging the gap from research at the benchtop to clinical translation requires a host of resources, time, and energy. A new Science Translational Medicine perspective authored by researchers in Carnegie Mellon University’s

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University of Minnesota technology allows amputees to control a robotic arm with their mind

Research team makes mind-reading possible with electronics and AI University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers have developed a more accurate, less invasive technology that allows amputees to move a robotic arm using their brain signals instead of their muscles.  Many current commercial prosthetic limbs use a cable and harness system that is controlled by the

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Foreseeing the future of European medicine

Experts say careful application of advanced tech could usher in a golden age of healthcare New technologies could enable medicine to progress in leaps and bounds, but only with the right regulatory and ethical frameworks. That was one of the messages from panelists discussing the future of medicine at the Science|Business conference Horizon Europe: The first assessment as

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New study of Karolinska Institute and Helsinki University shows how digital and molecular data can be integrated to prevent ill health

With the development of sensors, apps and other digital alternatives for health monitoring, the individual’s opportunities to work proactively for better health and well-being increase. At the same time, the measurement of many different biomolecular variables (so-called multiomics) enables a deep and comprehensive profiling of human biology. – Instead of focusing on the treatment of the

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A systematic review on Blockchain applications in health care for COVID-19 and beyond published on The Lancet Digital Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial and global impact on health care and has greatly accelerated the adoption of digital technology. One of these emerging digital technologies, blockchain, has unique characteristics (eg, immutability, decentralisation, and transparency) that can be useful in multiple domains (eg, management of electronic medical records and access rights, and mobile

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New Knee Replacement device with “Smart Knee” Implant Enables Remote Patient Monitoring

Imagine knee replacement surgery with a “smart” implant that collects and transmits data enabling an orthopedic surgeon to monitor a patient’s recovery from afar. It became a reality this week when Peter Sculco, MD, and Fred Cushner, MD, orthopedic surgeons at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) performed the first knee replacement containing a smart sensor capable of

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EU CE marked Google’s Dermatology tool could find skin problems using just the smartphone camera and AI. Results published in Nature Medicine.

Google also announced plans to release a new “AI-powered dermatology assist tool” that helps users understand what’s going on with their skin. Results have been published in Nature Medicine. Google has made a number of announcements at I/O 2021 to showcase the company’s technological advancements. It also announced plans to release a new “AI-powered dermatology assist

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Using 4D Printing To Enable Vascularization, Bone Tissue Regeneration, Spinal Fusion

Spinal fusion is frequently performed to restore spinal stability in patients with spinal diseases, such as spinal stenosis, vertebral fractures, progressive deformities, and instability. In the past two decades, there has been marked increase in the number of people over 65 years in age who have needed spinal fusion surgery. While autogenous bone grafts have

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