A prosthesis driven by the nervous system helps people with amputation walk naturally

A new surgical procedure gives people more neural feedback from their residual limb. With it, seven patients walked more naturally and navigated obstacles. State-of-the-art prosthetic limbs can help people with amputations achieve a natural walking gait, but they don’t give the user full neural control over the limb. Instead, they rely on robotic sensors and

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University of Minnesota technology allows amputees to control a robotic arm with their mind

Research team makes mind-reading possible with electronics and AI University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers have developed a more accurate, less invasive technology that allows amputees to move a robotic arm using their brain signals instead of their muscles.  Many current commercial prosthetic limbs use a cable and harness system that is controlled by the

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Researchers turn plastic water bottles into prosthetic limbs

Artificial limbs made out of plastic water bottles could save healthcare providers millions of pounds and help tackle pollution at the same time. An expert at De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) has successfully manufactured the first-of-its-kind prosthetic limb socket made from recycled plastic bottles. Dr K Kandan, senior lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at DMU, found he could

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