SARS-CoV-2 innate defense system: the role of neutrophil and epithelial defensins

One of the most important layers of our body’s defense against SARS-CoV-2 lies in our innate immune system. The innate immune system protects our body from microbes, viruses, bacteria, and parasites that we have not previously encountered. While much of public attention and awareness of human immunity is focused on adaptive or learned immunity, innate

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Most anti-PF4 antibodies in Covid-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia are transient

Platelet-activating anti-PF4 antibodies in VITT are transient in >90% of patients. Likely VITT patients can safely receive a second vaccination shot with an mRNA vaccine, independent of their VITT-antibody status. Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) is triggered by vaccination against COVID-19 with adenovirus vector vaccines (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19; Ad26.COV2-S). In this observational study, were followed VITT patients

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“Deltacron” a combination of the delta (AY.4) and BA.1 omicron variants named by the WHO as the BA.1 x AY.4 recombinant.

A combination of the delta (AY.4) and BA.1 omicron variants has been named by the World Health Organization as the BA.1 x AY.4 recombinant. First detected in France in January 2022, it has since picked up the nickname “deltacron”1 How does a recombinant emerge? Recombinants can emerge when multiple variants infect the same person at

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American College of Cardiology Issues Clinical Guidance on CardioVascular Consequences of COVID-19

A new Expert Consensus Decision Pathway released by the ACC addresses the evaluation and management of some of the more common cardiovascular sequelae in adults with COVID-19. The Pathway, published March 16 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, specifically addresses myocarditis and other types of myocardial involvement, patient-centered approaches for long COVID, and

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Excess Neuropeptides Disrupt Lung Function in Infant Disease and COVID-19

UC San Diego study identifies lung neuroendocrine cells as drivers of developmental lung disease; similar mechanism may contribute to COVID-19 symptoms COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the pulmonary and nervous systems, but there is still much to learn about how they interact. Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine recently explored

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Global death toll of COVID-19 pandemic may be more than three times higher than official records, estimates published on Lancet indicate

More than three times as many people may have died worldwide as a result of the pandemic than official COVID-19 death records suggest, according to an analysis published in The Lancet. While the official COVID-19 death toll was 5.9 million between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2021, the new study estimates 18.2 million excess deaths

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