ISSCR Statement Regarding the Marketing of Unproven Stem Cell Treatments for COVID-19

ISSCR has become aware of recent claims that stem cells can be used to treat people infected with COVID-19. While stem cell research shows promise for numerous diseases and conditions, there currently are no approved stem cell-based approaches for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection. The ISSCR is a vocal and active opponent of the premature

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Rogue stem cell clinics

Cell therapies hold significant promise for the treatment of injured or diseased musculoskeletal tissues. However, despite advances in research, there is growing concern about the increasing number of clinical centres around the world that are making unwarranted claims or are performing risky biological procedures. On The Bone and Joint Journal has just been published a

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BBC journalist discovers a new stem cell clinic in London which offers to ‘treat’ children with autism for £9,500 a time.

Prof Murphy, leading authority on autism research at Kings College Hospital, says he is horrified that such a treatment is being offered. Lesley Curwen investigates the scientific promise of human stem cells, cells with superpowers that can become many different types of cells in our bodies from muscle cells to brain cells. Some can even

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Washington Post publishes a new piece on the unproven regenerative clinic firm the Lung Health Institute.

This article has a number of surprises and new insights. A Tampa-based regenerative clinic accused of using aggressive and unfair marketing tactics to lure the diseased and desperate into spending thousands of dollars on unproven stem cell therapies laid off a “small number of non-medical” employees earlier this week, a company spokesperson confirmed. While it’s

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Buyer beware of this unproven and untested $1 million gene therapy for aging, that might even be harmful to your health

Offshore tests by a startup seek to lengthen people’s telomeres—and their lives. Source MIT Technology Review It’s said that nothing is certain except death and taxes. But doubt has been cast over the former since the 1970s, when scientists picked at the seams of one of the fundamental mysteries of biology: the molecular reasons we

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