A mysterious dementia that mimics Alzheimer’s gets named LATE

A newly described dementia strikes people in their last decades of life. The disease, aptly named LATE, comes with symptoms that resemble Alzheimer’s disease, but is thought to be caused by something completely different. An international team of scientists and clinicians describe the disease and officially christen it LATE, which stands for the more technical description,

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JAMA Counteracting Health Misinformation A Role for Medical Journals?

A recent editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) addresses the growing problem of medical misinformation, such as anti-vaccine views, fake treatments, unproven alternative products and services, and others. The authors, Armstrong and Naylor, make some good recommendations, but unfortunately are about 20 years behind the times when it comes to confronting scientific misinformation.

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The Human Cell Atlas is an international collaboration of scientists dedicated to mapping all of the cells in the human body

There’s an entire world of cells keeping the human body going — breaking down bits of food, defending us from invaders, and, sometimes, going wonky and wreaking havoc. Now, a group of scientists is conducting a cellular census, surveying every tissue in the human body and finding out what cells actually live there. They’re part

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