Some stem cell experts want to be excluded by a film after funding source revealed

If there’s anything that drives legitimate stem cell scientists up a wall, it’s their being lumped in with clinics offering unwary customers supposedly effective disease treatments through stem cell injections. So you can understand why a documentary series titled “The Healthcare Revolution,” which is partially funded by a network of clinics that are hawking unproven therapies and

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What universities can learn from one of science’s biggest frauds

Source Nature Detailed analysis of misconduct investigations into huge research fraud suggests institutional probes aren’t rigorous enough. By day, Andrew Grey studies bone health. But over the past few years, he’s developed another speciality: the case of one of science’s most prolific fraudsters. From 1996 to 2013, Yoshihiro Sato, a Japanese bone-health researcher plagiarized work,

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Human-on-a-chip model tests cancer drug efficacy and toxicity for therapeutic index

A reconfigurable “body-on-a-chip” model could transform drug development by simultaneously measuring compound efficacy and toxicity, for both target cells and other organs, such as the heart and liver. These findings, published in Science Translational Medicine, demonstrate the ability of a body-on-a-chip model to truly revolutionise biomedical research and personalised medicine through more accurate and efficient preclinical

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New clues on tissue damage identified in rheumatoid arthritis and lupus

Research supported by the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) on Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (RA/SLE) provides new insights into tissue damage for these autoimmune conditions. Findings include the identification of novel molecular signatures related to immune system signaling in kidney cells that may reflect their active role in disease process; molecular targets, including specific white blood

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The management of risk and investment in cell therapy process development: a case study for neurodegenerative disease

A study was conducted under the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform as part of the work of the Cell Behaviour, Differentiation and Manufacturing Hub. It comprised part of the Pluripotent Stem Cell Platform (PSCP) project funded by the Medical Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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