Africa prepares for Covid-19

With cases of Covid-19 spreading worldwide, governments and institutions are getting ready for the first cases in Africa. Munyaradzi Makoni reports from Cape Town in Lancet “The risk and likelihood of getting an outbreak is very, very high”, said Ambrose Talisuna, the WHO Africa team lead for emergency preparedness. As of Feb 11, Africa

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China develops convalescent plasma therapy for COVID-19 patients. The proposal was advanced by our website February the 7th

China has developed convalescent plasma to treat patients who are infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the China National Biotec Group. The company said they have collected plasma from some recovered patients to prepare therapeutic products including convalescent plasma and immune globulin. After strict blood biosafety tests, virus inactivation and antiviral activity tests,

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Remdesivir prevents MERS coronavirus disease in monkeys

Results support testing antiviral against 2019 novel coronavirus. Source NIH The experimental antiviral remdesivir successfully prevented disease in rhesus macaques infected with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), according to a new study from National Institutes of Health scientists. Remdesivir prevented disease when administered before infection and improved the condition of macaques when given after

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International Space Station Bioprinting facility receives a 3D Printed upgrade

A payload containing 3D printed supplies for the 3D BioFabrication Facility (BFF) has arrived on board the International Space Station (ISS) docked 248 miles above the Earth’s surface. The cargo contained samples of human cells, bio-inks, and a set of new 3D printed ceramic fluid manifolds to replace the previously used printed polymers. The new ceramic manifolds,

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Study identifies interaction that promotes cancerous state in cells

When the machinery that guides the transition of stem cells to somatic cells doesn’t shut down properly, cells can become cancerous. Identifying the mechanisms that impede those processes would offer scientists a target for cancer research. Purdue University scientists, led by Humaira Gowher, an associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry, have discovered the epigenetic process that

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3D tumour modelling steps up battle against cancer. An EU-funded project of Minho University

An EU-funded project is developing innovative ways to mimic the micro-environment that cancer cells encounter inside the human body. The creation of artificial 3D tumour models could pave the way for more accurate testing of cancer drugs and ultimately lead to better treatments. Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide and, despite many

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Novel techniques for mining patented gene therapies offer promising treatment options for cancers, other diseases

A team of scientists from Purdue University and institutions around the world have come together to better understand the growing number of worldwide patented innovations available for gene therapy treatment. The global gene therapy market is expected to reach $13 billion by 2024 as new treatment options target cancers and other diseases. Now, a team of scientists

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