Archives: 2022-11-03

‘A silent killer’ – COVID-19 shown to trigger inflammation in the brain

Research led by The University of Queensland has found COVID-19 activates the same inflammatory response in the brain as Parkinson’s disease. The discovery identified a potential future risk for neurodegenerative conditions in people who’ve had COVID-19, but also a possible treatment. The UQ team was led by Professor Trent Woodruff and Dr Eduardo Albornoz Balmaceda from UQ’s School of Biomedical Sciences,

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Getting to the heart of COVID-19 vaccination and its cardiovascular risks

After mRNA vaccination, adults under 40 have a slightly greater chance of developing myocarditis or pericarditis, yet the vaccine’s benefits outweigh the risks, according to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine A comprehensive review and meta-analysis of published research confirm that young adults (40 years old and younger) have a slightly elevated risk for myocarditis

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Long COVID and pulmonary fibrosis better understood thanks to innovative techniques

An international team of researchers has revealed how scarring occurs in Long-COVID and pulmonary fibrosis using innovative blood biomarkers and X-ray technology. This study, published in The Lancet – eBioMedicine, contributes to the knowledge on the pathophysiology of severe COVID-19 and thus its treatment. Long-COVID syndrome, or the origin of the long-term consequences of SARS-CoV-2

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Researchers find that different stem cells are responsible for the repair of different kinds of bone injuries

 New research from Children’s Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern (CRI) found that different skeletal stem cell (SSC) populations contribute to repair of different kinds of bone injuries. In the study, published in Cell Stem Cell, researchers identified distinct cell markers that allowed them to track SSCs in the bone marrow inside of bones versus SSCs in the

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University of Michigan researchers engineer a drug derived from bananas showing promise in fighting deadly viruses and SARS-CoV-2

A banana a day may not keep the doctor away, but a substance originally found in bananas and carefully edited by scientists could someday fight off a wide range of viruses, new research suggests. And the process used to create the virus-fighting form may help scientists develop even more drugs, by harnessing the “sugar code”

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For American Society of Anesthesiologists statins lower COVID-19 severity and risk of death

Commonly used cholesterol-lowering statins may reduce the risk of death and severity of COVID-19 disease, suggests a study of more than 38,000 patients being presented at the Anesthesiology 2022 annual meeting. “While there is no ‘magic bullet’ to help patients who are very ill with COVID-19, statins decrease inflammation, which may help reduce the severity

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The Philippines Department of Health said first new cases of XBB and XBC Covid-19 Omicron variants were detected. 

In a media briefing, Health Officer-in-Charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said that based on the latest whole genomic sequencing run of the agency, a total of 81 XBB subvariant cases have been detected in two regions in the country.  Vergeire also said that there were 193 XBC subvariant cases found in 11 out of 17 regions

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In Singapore XBB seems to be more prevalent in the COVID-naive and those originally infected in the Delta and pre-Delta era

Singapore’s Health Minister, Ong Ye Kung, has said that he expects the current XBB SARS-CoV-2 wave to peak in mid-November 2022.  In an assured press conference, Singapore’s Health Minister said he expects the XBB to crest at about 15,000 daily cases on average. Covid case levels in Singapore are currently averaging around 8,500 a day.

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First AAV gene therapy approved in Europe for direct infusion into the brain as a treatment for AADC Deficiency.

Gene Therapy Sees Children With Rare Genetic Condition Walk And Talk For First Time Aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency is a genetic disorder of the nervous system. Only about 120 cases have ever been reported, and around half of these have been in people of Asian ancestry.  The condition is caused by mutations in the DDC gene, which

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