Archives: 2020-02-03

NIH Dr. Anthony Fauci says to CNBC 25% of #coronavirus cases in China are ‘very serious,’ requiring ‘intensive care’

About 25% of them have very serious disease, requiring relatively intensive or really intensive care,” NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Monday. China’s National Health Commission said the confirmed coronavirus cases in China increased to 17,205. The death toll rose to 361 there. “There are probably a lot more people who were infected in

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Facebook will now take down posts that spread #coronavirus misinformation

Source MIT Technology Review The news: Facebook has started deleting posts that contain false claims about the coronavirus, especially ones spreading dangerous misinformation about treatment—such as that drinking bleach cures the virus—and incorrect advice about available health resources.  Why it matters: This policy change, announced in a blog post, marks a welcome break from Facebook’s usual approach to false information. At

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Mesoblast submits Ryoncil’s completed biologics license application to US FDA for the treatment of children with steroid-refractory acute graft versus host disease (SR-aGVHD).

Mesoblast Limited today announced that it has submitted its completed Biologics License Application (BLA) to the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) for Ryoncil™ (remestemcel-L), its lead allogeneic cell therapy for the treatment of children with steroid-refractory acute graft versus host disease (SRaGVHD). Mesoblast filed the final module of the rolling BLA submission,

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€7.45m EU Horizon 2020 Research Project for Robotic Production of Regenerative Stem Cell Therapies for Osteoarthritis

NUI Galway’s Regenerative Medicine Institute has launched a new €7.45 million project to develop ground-breaking and innovative scientific and engineering platforms for the production of advanced cellular therapeutics for use in the treatment of osteoarthritis and other major diseases.  Funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme the AutoCRAT project will address the critical need to

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Therapeutic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Immunotherapy and for Gene and Drug Delivery

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) possess several fairly unique properties that, combined, make them ideally suited for cellular-based immunotherapy and as vehicles for gene and drug delivery for a wide range of diseases/disorders. Key among these are: 1) their relative ease of isolation from a variety of tissues; 2) the ability to be expanded in culture

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Mayo Clinic CELLTOP Clinical Trial: First Report From a Phase 1 Trial of Autologous Adipose Tissue–Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Paralysis Due to Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

Stem cells derived from a patient’s own fat offer a step toward improving—not just stabilizing—motor and sensory function of people with spinal cord injuries, according to early research from Mayo Clinic. A clinical trial enrolled 10 adults to treat paralysis from traumatic spinal cord injury. After stem cell injection, the first patient demonstrated improvement in motor

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HER2-Directed CAR T-Cell Therapy Appears Active in Phase I Trial for Advanced Sarcoma

Source Targeted Oncology Patients with sarcomas, including osteosarcoma in particular, have limited treatment options available, and the landscape has not advanced in over 40 years, according to Shoba A. Navai, MD. However, trials are now evaluating the potential role of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells as treatment of patients with sarcoma. In a phase

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University of Hong Kong Researchers forecast up to 75,800 People in Wuhan Infected With Coronavirus

The University of Hong Kong researchers used mathematical modeling to come up with the new estimate. With coronavirus panic raging, researchers are racing to determine how widespread the virus actually is. A group of them from the University of Hong Kong think they have the answer, estimating it stands at 75,800 in the city of

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UNC Lineberger discovery would allow researchers to fine-tune activity of CAR-T cancer-hunting immune cells

A discovery by University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers could allow scientists to fine-tune genetically engineered immune cells to heighten their killing power against tumors or to decrease their activity level in the case of severe side effects. In a study published in Cancer Cell, researchers led by UNC Lineberger’s Gianpietro Dotti, MD, reported

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