This report contains data on all confirmed COVID-19 cases reported to ICNARC up to midday on 03 April 2020 from critical care units participating in the Case Mix Programme (all NHS adult, general intensive care and combined intensive care/high dependency units in
England, Wales and Northern Ireland, plus some specialist and non-NHS critical care units).
Reporting process
Critical care units participating in the Case Mix Programme are asked to:
• notify ICNARC as soon as they have an admission with confirmed COVID-19;
• submit early data for admissions with confirmed COVID-19, including demographics and first 24-hour physiology, as soon as possible after the end of the first 24 hours in the critical care unit;
• resubmit data, including critical care unit outcome and organ support, when the patient leaves the critical care unit; and
• submit final data when the patient leaves acute hospital.
Critical care unit participation
Total number of units: 286
Units with at least one patient notified: 210
Units with zero patients: 53
Units with uncertain participation: 23
Admissions to critical care
To date, ICNARC have been notified of 2621 admissions to critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland with confirmed COVID-19 either at or after admission to critical care.
Of these, early data covering the first 24 hours in the critical care unit have been submitted to ICNARC for 2384 admissions of 2249 patients. Of the 2249 patients, 346 patients have died, 344 patients were discharged alive from critical care and 1559 patients were last reported as still being in critical care.
The largest number of patients (949) are being managed by the three London Operational Delivery Networks.
The report shows 50% 30 days survival in the whole group.

Outcomes by patient subgroup
Figure shows the 30-day survival for patients that received mechanical ventilation during the first 24 hours in critical care (33%) compared with those that did not (71%) .

Critical care outcomes for patients that received advanced respiratory support at any time during critical care compared
with those that received basic respiratory support only are summarised in the following Table.

The critical care outcomes for patients critically ill with COVID-19 across major patient subgroups are summarised in the following Table and compared with those for patients critically ill with viral pneumonia (non-COVID-19) during 2017-19.

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